What Is Folliculitis And When Should You Visit A Dermatologist

If you have an acne-like breakout that isn't confined to the face, then you could have folliculitis. This common skin condition can be very uncomfortable if not treated and prevented. It's usually not serious but could cause long-term problems like hair loss or even scars. Read on to learn more about the difference between folliculitis and acne and how you can prevent and treat it.

How Are Acne and Folliculitis Different?

Folliculitis that occurs on the face is often mistaken as acne. Both conditions have similar symptoms. Folliculitis can get very deep in the skin. It is also most commonly caused by bacteria, like streptococcus, infecting the hair follicle. Oil-clogged pores are the common cause of acne. It occurs mostly on the face. However, folliculitis can appear anywhere, especially in high-friction areas.

What Are Folliculitis Symptoms?

Folliculitis presents itself in several ways in addition to resembling acne. Sometimes it can cause large, pus-filled boils or carbuncles. Folliculitis can also bring out cyst-like bumps. In some cases, there may be itching and pain. However, some people don't feel anything and may not know they have folliculitis if it is not in a visible place.

Who Is a Risk for Folliculitis?

People who wear tight clothes or clothes that rub against the skin are at risk of having this skin infection. You may also get this condition if you already have other skin conditions. Folliculitis often appears under the breasts, in the groin area, and the neck. Folliculitis also occurs in shaved areas, especially if razors aren't changed often enough. Poorly maintained hot tubs can also be a source of infection.

How Is Folliculitis Treated?

If you have only a mild case, it may go away with increased hygiene diligence. You can try a warm compress to reduce and drain large boils and blisters. However, if you have a chronic case, then a dermatologist can help. Bacteria-killing and inflammation-reducing creams and ointments can reduce and control folliculitis.

Can Folliculitis Be Prevented?

You can reduce your chance of recurring folliculitis in several ways. For example, try to wear loose clothing during hot weather. Shower as soon as possible after working out or sweating. Some people find relief by shaving less often or adding new habits like using cleansers and aftershave lotions.

However, if changing your habits and being diligent about caring for your skin doesn't work, visit a dermatology clinic for help. That way, you can get a proper diagnosis, rule out other issues, and receive more treatment information.

For more information, contact a clinic like Desert Dermatology & Skin Cancer Specialists.
